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Don’s Rant:
Don’s Rant is about the Supreme Court of Canada striking down key elements in Canada’s prostitution laws. It is now transforms the theoretical legality of prostitution and makes the actual practice of prostitution legal. Does this help or hurt the sex trade workers? Society? Listen and find out Don’s take on the issue.
Find out more:
- Supreme Court prostitution decision: 5 questions
- The Supreme Court and prostitution: the decision
- Unanimous Supreme Court ruling strikes down prostitution laws
- Supreme Court strikes down Canada’s prostitution laws
- Canada’s prostitution laws: What the court said
- Canada vs Bedford Lebovitch and Scott
- Prostitution laws: Europeans debate whether criminalization or legalization works better
- Substance abuse and prostitution
- What drives a prostitute
- Associations between childhood maltreatment and sex work in a cohort of drug-using youth
- Criminal Code
Eulogy for Aaron Swartz
Don give an impassioned and emotional eulogy to one of the promising progressive lights – Aaron Swartz, and how state bullying contributed to his suicide.
Find out more:
- Aaron Swartz, Online Activist and Reddit Cofounder, Dead at 26
- RIP, Aaron Swartz
- Open Access Guerilla Manifesto
- US Government Ups Felony Count In JSTOR/Aaron Swartz Case From Four To Thirteen
- Feds Charge Aaron Swartz With Felony Hacking… For Downloading A Ton Of Academic Research
- F2C2012: Aaron Swartz keynote – “How we stopped SOPA”
- Prosecutor as bully
- NYT: Internet activist accused of data theft
- Unjust Justice: Cybercrimes Uncommitted
- Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
Does hockey need violence?
We discuss violence in hockey. Is there a need for the hockey fight? Could you get rid of hockey violence and do we want to?
Find out more:
- NHL’s violent culture encourages reckless play
- Does fighting belong in hockey?
- Hockey without rules
- Fighting in ice hockey
- Brazilian fans kill, behead referee who killed player
The full lecture Don gave at Skepticamp Vancouver 2013 – “1984 – NSA, Snowden and Spying: A Skeptic Look at the Surveillance State”.
Find out more:
- World Federalist Movement
- World Federalist Movement of Canada
- Democratic World Federalists
- World Federalist Movement – Institute For Global Policy
- ‘Montreux Declaration; The Principles for World Federal Government’